Governing Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is responsible for the promotion of KTCS and supervising the implementation of the college's infrastructure. The chairperson of the Board of Trustees is elected by the Kachin Baptist Convention. Ten members are elected by the Board of Management of the KBC and approved at the meeting of the General Convention later. Out of those ten members, four of them are females. Potential advisors can be invited by the chairperson of the board if necessary.
Currently (2022-2026), the Board of Trustees members are constituted as follows:
- Chairperson: Rev. Zahkung Zau Shan
- Vice Chair: Rev. Lahpai Ja Naw
- Secretary: Rev. Dr. Zinghang Lat Nawng
- Treasurer: Manam La Seng
- Executive Members
- Vice President (Admin) of KTCS
- Vice President (Academic) of KTCS
- Dr. Marip Roi Seng (Academic Advisory)
- Lahtaw Ja Nu (Scholarship foundation)
- Hpt. Zahkung Sing Hkam (Construction Committee Chair)
- Rev. Tailum Tu Raw (Finance Committee Chair)
- Rev. Bau Tu Ja (Alumni Committee Chair)
- Rev. Xolang Hkaw Bawm (Director of Minister department of KBC)
- Rev. Dr. Lagai Zau Nan (Director of Theology Department of KBC)
- Latung Bawm Lung (Director of Christian Eduction Department of KBC)
- Rev. Labya Paul Naw Tawng (Member)
- Manam La Seng (Treasurer)
- Dr. Phyu Phyu Thant (Member)
- Lakang Dau Nyoi (Member)
- Rev. Gunhtang David Brang Gam (Member)
- Rev. Karu Hpung Sar (Member)
- Rev. Dr. Nalaw Dai Hkawng (Principal Emeritus)
- Other Members
- General Secretaries from the 19 associations of KBC
- Chairperson and General Secretary of KBC who can give suggestions at any meeting of the Board without voting
Responsibilities of the Board of Trustees
- It is responsible for the administration, theological education, spiritual, social, and security of KTCS.
- It is obligated for the proprietorship of the land, building, and any other plants relating to KTCS.
- It has the responsibility to implement plans, and programs proposed by the faculty council.
- It is responsible for implementing the construction works according to the ground planning of the KTCS.
- It can nominate and terminate the school's personnel such as the vice principal, academic dean, treasurer, and faculty.
- It can suggest the candidacy of the principal of KTCS.
- If the principal post is vacant, the board can nominate someone to take the duty of the principal by informing the nearest executive committee meeting before the general election of KBC.
Administrative Officers
- President: Rev. Dr. Zinghang Lat Nawng (BTh, MDiv, MA, ThD)
- Vice President (Admin): Rev. Dr. Maru Brang Seng (BTh, MDiv, MTh, PhD)
- Vice President (Academics): Rev. Dr. Nhkum Zau Gun (BTh, MDiv, ThD)
- Seminary Dean: Rev. Dr. Pausa Gam Ja (BA, MDiv, MA, MTh, DTh)
- CLAP Dean: Dr. Hkangma Samuel (BARS, BA, MA, PhD)
- Registrar: Lahtaw Zau Ja (BSc, MDiv)
- Admission & Financial Aids Director: Mawtawng Zau Hkun Awng (BA, MDiv)
- Student Dean: Rev. Marip Kum Awng (BSc, MDiv, MTh)
- Campus Pastor: Tangbau Lu Ja (BA, MDiv, MTh)
- Office Superintendent: Mawtawng Zau Hkun Awng (BTh, MDiv)
- Module & Online Program Director: Dr. Lahtaw Nang Dim Pri (BTh, BD, MTh, ThD)
- Residence Director (female): 1. Nlam Jaw Seng Zin (BA, BTh)
- Residence Director (female): 2. Nnye Seng Hkam (BSc, MCA)
- Residence Director (male): 1. Maran Zau Dan (BSc, BA, MDiv)
- Residence Director (male): 2. Lama Naw San (BTh, BMus, MDiv)
- Residence Director (male): 3. Lahtaw Seng Hpung Awng (BTh, MDiv, MTh)
- Residence Director (male): 4. Hpautun David (BA, MDiv)
- Librarian: Rev. Dr. Dabang Zawng Hkawng (BTh, BA, MLISc, PhD)
- Assistant Librarian: Bawmwaw Ja Naw (BTh, MA)
Standing Committees
- Scholarship Committee
- Construction Committee
- Academic Advisory Committee
- Finance Committee
The Alumni Association
The KTCS Alumni Association includes students of KTCS since 1932 and all new graduates of each academic year. The association is mainly responsible for the physical development of KTCS.